What Is The Difference Between The “Pull-Out” And “Push-In” Model In Special Education?

A curriculum without adaptations generally is one-size-fits-all
Most teachers have to adapt instruction for their disabled students, but they usually don’t have a say in choosing the curriculum or designing the study materials before they are expected to use them. While this may sound idealistic, it could actually be a reality, in future classrooms […]
How does Writing Help Students Learn Math?

Writing is an important way to help students reflect on their learning and forces students to really reflect on their math understanding. It is also a great way for teachers to assess student thinking and understanding. Since writing in the context of math is often a new experience for students, they may find […]
SELF-STUDY: Common Core Academic Interventions (5 hours)
“How can I improve student performance in a systematic way? ”
Every student is different and this course is designed to help teachers as they create unique interventions that benefit their individual students. This course is designed to guide and help teachers effectively and strategically support struggling learners in the […]
How can I Check for Plagiarism in the Classroom?

It is well known that students often “copy-paste” their assignments or reports from the internet with no regard to plagiarism. It is, therefore, our role as teachers to conduct a strict check for plagiarism and ensure that they adhere to the moral code of respecting the writing of other authors.
Before cracking the whip […]
How can I use Word Banks to help Students with Dyslexia?

Students with dyslexia make a lot of spelling mistakes while writing assignments. They may spell a word differently in different parts of the text and when shown both the words, may struggle to choose which one is correct. They also tend to spell words as they sound. For example, they may spell learn […]