What are Digital Storyboards?

A storyboard is a written or graphical representation of all of the elements that will be included in a digital story. The storyboard is usually created before the actual work of creating the digital story begins and a written description and graphical depiction of the elements of the story, such as images, text, […]
What is Text Annotation?

In simple words, reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you are reading. Reading comprehension is one of the pillars of the act of reading. It is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during and after a person reads a particular piece of writing.
Students are likely to increase their retention […]
What is the Paired Reading Strategy?

This reading fluency intervention prompts the student to read independently with prompt corrective feedback. Each session lasts 10-15 minutes.
The teacher selects an engaging passage at the student’s instructional level.
The student is told that the teacher and student will begin the session reading aloud in unison.
The student is also told that, whenever the student […]
SELF-STUDY: Common Core Academic Interventions (5 hours)
“How can I improve student performance in a systematic way? ”
Every student is different and this course is designed to help teachers as they create unique interventions that benefit their individual students. This course is designed to guide and help teachers effectively and strategically support struggling learners in the […]
Reading: What Do You Already Know?

To better understand how reading skills are built on prior knowledge and experience, consider this metaphor: Our brain acts like a file cabinet.
The brain food we receive as babies gives us words that we use to communicate. This is what makes each of us unique. As our brain makes more and more connections […]
How Can I Find Out a Student’s Reading Level?

Here’s a quick tool from Sue Klund, Reading Expert, to find a student’s independent reading level (the level that gives you the most growth in reading scores when reading independently). It is also great to have this for a new student.
Google “San Diego Quick Assessment“.
This time-saving tool has been around for a long […]
How Can Paragraph Shrinking be Used to Improve Learning in the Classroom?

When reading through technical content, it is natural for students to feel confused and lost amidst difficult words and elaborate descriptions. Students often lose track of the context and relevance of the content and fail to comprehend and learn from the text. The strategy “Paragraph Shrinking” was developed as a part of Peer […]
What is the DIBELS Reading Assessment?

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (more commonly known as DIBELS) is a formal, standardized reading assessment that is being used by a large number of schools in the United States.
This assessment has various components that are designed to assess the different components of reading. It is a comprehensive assessment that helps […]
Summer Reading

Summer break is coming up, and it’s the time of the year when teachers start preparing summer reading lists for their students. As we do that, why not include yourself in the summer reading planning? Most of us find it hard to get some serious reading done during the year between classes, preparation […]
What is First Line Strategy?

First line strategy or Prediction strategy is an active learning technique that promotes pre- reading. In this strategy students are instructed to read the first line of the text and make predictions about what they may learn from the content. After the text is read, students are encouraged to evaluate and support their […]