How Can I Use Interaction and Movement in the Classroom to Encourage Positive Behavior?

Movement and interaction can help students to focus and engage in the lesson more effectively, thus promoting positive behavior. Here are some strategies that teachers may implement:
Structure instructional activities. Students with high energy levels may be more likely to engage in distracting behavior when forced to sit through long periods of lecture or […]
PACKAGE: Essential Teaching Package #1 (25 Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Essential Teaching Package #1 provides a foundation in skills applicable to teachers across the curriculum and grades:
Essential Teaching Package #1
# Hours
Accommodating all Learners
Classroom Management for Positive […]
SELF-STUDY: Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (5 hours)
“This was a great course.
Thank you for the opportunity to gather useful, practical information
that will prove to be essential to my future as an educator and parent.”
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in […]
GRADUATE: Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (1 semester credit)
“This was a great course.
Thank you for the opportunity to gather useful, practical information
that will prove to be essential to my future as an educator and parent.”
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in […]
SELF-STUDY: Reaching Diverse Learners (15 hours)
“I really appreciate the abundance of ideas for teaching ELLs that I learned in this course. There were so many techniques and ideas shared, and I feel as if I have a toolbox to use in my classroom.”
Diversity is becoming a very real issue in our classrooms today. We […]
PACKAGE: Minnesota Relicensure Package #1 (30 Clock Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.They were ideal for someone who does nothave a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Minnesota Relicensure Package #1 meets the Minnesota relicensure requirements:
Minnesota Relicensure Package #1
# Hours
Cultural Competency Training: Cultural Competency and Responsive Teaching
English Language Learners: English Language Learners in […]
FACILITATED: Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (15 clock hours)
“This was a great course.
Thank you for the opportunity to gather useful, practical information
that will prove to be essential to my future as an educator and parent.”
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in […]
Dealing with Anger in the Classroom: Labeling Emotions

One way to deal with anger in the classroom is by labeling students’ emotions.
To start, validate the student’s emotion by acknowledging it. When the teacher observes that a student seems angry or upset, the instructor labels the emotion that seems to be driving the student’s behavior.
Labeling emotions can be a helpful tactic in […]