Positive Classroom Management Strategy: Scanning
Teachers can maintain a positive classroom environment by constantly monitoring group behavior and intervening at the first sign of trouble. The instructor should scan the classroom frequently for any early signs of potential behavior problems (eg. a student looking out of the window during a lecture; a talkative student who has left his […]
Monitoring the Classroom Computer: Monitoring Software
One of the ways to monitor your classroom computer usage is with the help of a monitoring software. A good monitoring software program will capture all activity on a computer through a variety of means. Prices range from free to over $100 with the more effective ones charging a fee for the program.
Monitoring […]
Reading Strategy: Multiple Books
In this reading strategy, the teacher uses a variety of books and resources to address one theme or objective in the following manner.
First, the teacher chooses a topic and learning objective (civil war, a painter, genre of fiction, government, weather, outdoor cooking, etc).
Next, the teacher locates several different books related to this topic. […]
6 Things You Must Know About Child Abuse And Neglect
As teachers, we need to be sensitive to issues related to child safety and security. The following are some of the things one must know about child abuse and neglect in order to understand and address this issue better.
While physical abuse tends to happen in specific instances or events, neglect tends to be […]
Understanding & Recognizing Oppositional Defiant Disorder in the Classroom
A child who, beyond all understanding, refuses to cooperate in all likeliness has a condition known as Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Some of the symptoms or signs to recognize Oppositional Defiant Disorder in the classroom are as follows.
Negative, hostile, defiant; will not comply with requests made by adults
Persistent arguing with adults; belligerent, obstinate
Intense […]
The Importance of Pre-reading Activities
Recent research brought to light a new lesson format that gave due importance to pre-reading activities. It was found that what is done before reading, is very beneficial for understanding the text. This preparation work is what helps students get connect the new information to what they already know.
This new format suggests that […]
Autism in Children: Physical Development
Autism in children may cause physical delays. Some people with autism have serious digestive issues. Physical development is the foundation for neuro-development.
Changes in the lower brain like the cerebellum affect balance and coordination. The muscle tone of children with autism may also be different from that of typical students. Most of the time, […]