Should Teachers Give Homework?

Should Teachers Give Homework?

February 4, 2012 by · 8 Comments 

My thoughts on homework are plentiful and while I vacillate across the spectrum they’re riddled with questions, some rhetorical and some thought provoking. Should we be giving students homework? What is the purpose of homework? What are we teaching children through homework?
Are we teaching students that they have to bring their work home? […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Jan 28 – Feb 4, 2012)

January 27, 2012 by · 1 Comment 

Witty Comics
A simple way to create images of short conversations between two comic characters. No design skills needed. Use it to add life to presentations, or even to illustrate or demonstrate concepts.
Virtual Swimming
Watch animations of various swimming strokes. Students can also watch the strokes at different speeds. This tool can be used to […]

The Teacher Balance

The Teacher Balance

January 26, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

I ran into a friend from high school the other day and asked how she was doing. She replied, “Busy. You know…that’s life.”
It struck me how it’s become accepted and normal for life to be busy and full of work and other activities. As I thought further, I wondered what it was that she […]

Teacher Resources, Tools & Giveaways for the week (Jan 21 – 28, 2012)

January 22, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Learn Boost +
Online organizing tools for teachers including gradebooks, lesson plan creator and a calender that integrates with Google.
Postcard Creator
Get students to learn about old- fashioned postcards, and create their own with this game.
Game Goo
Games to build early reading skills and language arts.
Immune Attack
A learning adventure/ game to help children learn more about […]

Protect the Internet

Protect the Internet

January 19, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Did you go online this past Wednesday? For many of us this seems like a silly question. “Of course, I went online Wednesday. I use the Internet every day.”
Well, here at PLB we seriously considered shutting down the site for the day. That’s exactly what websites including Mozilla and  Wikipedia (yes, that one) […]

Google Earth in the Classroom

Google Earth in the Classroom

December 12, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

About Google Earth
Google Earth is a free tool that presents geological and geographical images together with satellite imagery in a dramatic fashion. It allows teachers to fly anywhere on the face of the Earth and view maps, terrain, buildings and monuments up close in 3D, track the courses of rivers and view changes […]

Treats for Teachers – Dec.2 – Dec.9,2011

December 5, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Wordle is a tool for generating “word clouds” from texts, giving prominence to frequently appearing words. You provide the text and then tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes to create imaginative notebook covers, posters, wall art or even to present a jumble of word ideas that can get the […]

Independent Reading Activities for Children

Independent Reading Activities for Children

December 2, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Independent reading activities can be used to develop reading comprehension in students. Teaching students to question is an important aspect helping children read. Proficient readers question what they read and ponder over the outcome, characters, information and concepts in the passage. This strategy also increases the reader’s interest in the text.
Teachers can show […]

Teaching Comprehension Strategies for middle school

Teaching Comprehension Strategies for middle school

November 25, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Comprehension is a complex process and includes the ability to comprehend, discuss, study, and write about multiple forms of text. Teachers can help their students become proficient readers with the help of effective teaching comprehension strategies.
Members of the National Reading Panel (NRP) in an evidence based assessment of an experimental and quasi-experimental research on […]

What is Culturally Responsive Instruction?

What is Culturally Responsive Instruction?

October 29, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Every classroom in the United States today is diverse with or without English Language Learners (ELL). Students have different socio-economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and family structures. Each student has his own individual personality, interests, and abilities. People from different corners of the world can be seen in the same classroom.
Many educators, in response […]

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