What is Culturally Responsive Instruction?

Every classroom in the United States today is diverse with or without English Language Learners (ELL). Students have different socio-economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and family structures. Each student has his own individual personality, interests, and abilities. People from different corners of the world can be seen in the same classroom.
Many educators, in response […]
Spanish for Educators PACKAGE

This COURSE PACKAGE is designed for today’s teacher who has a growing number of students in their classroom for whom English is their second language. These courses are a great way to increasing participation of both students and parents to provide a more robust learning experience for students. The package includes PLB’s FACILITATED: Spanish for Educators and SELF-STUDY: Teaching English Language Learners courses.
English Language Learners PACKAGE

This FACILITATED COURSE PACKAGE is designed for today’s teacher who has a growing number of students in their classroom for whom English is their second language. These courses are a great way to increasing participation of both students and parents to provide a more robust learning experience for students. The package includes PLB’s Spanish for Educators and Teaching English Language Learners courses.
Spanish for Educators

A primer for non-Spanish speaking teachers to communicate with families and their children who speak Spanish as a first language. Teachers will be introduced to general vocabulary and phrases that assist with understanding in the classroom as well as throughout a school environment.
Use tools for translation of materials and receive template documents that may be customized for individual use (including letters to parents and telephone scripts). Plus, learn how to read Spanish so that you can be understood.
Teaching English Language Learners

Any K-12 teacher, administrator, or support staff member who would like to help English Language Learners do well in school will find this course to be both informative and useful. The focus includes how to make ELLs and their families feel more welcome while generating academic successes through empowerment.
Participants will improve cross-cultural skills and examine cultural influences on school practices, and come away with greater insight into how second languages are acquired. They will also discover teaching methods and educational strategies for today’s diverse mainstream classroom that are considered best practice for reaching and teaching all learners. Included are highlighted practical tips and activities that can be put to use right away.