Spanish for Educators PACKAGE

This COURSE PACKAGE is designed for today’s teacher who has a growing number of students in their classroom for whom English is their second language. These courses are a great way to increasing participation of both students and parents to provide a more robust learning experience for students. The package includes PLB’s FACILITATED: Spanish for Educators and SELF-STUDY: Teaching English Language Learners courses.
English Language Learners PACKAGE

This FACILITATED COURSE PACKAGE is designed for today’s teacher who has a growing number of students in their classroom for whom English is their second language. These courses are a great way to increasing participation of both students and parents to provide a more robust learning experience for students. The package includes PLB’s Spanish for Educators and Teaching English Language Learners courses.
Synergizing a Classroom

Instructional Synergy™ is a school model that is student-centered , teacher-driven , and parent-involved . This course will provide valuable strategies how you as a teacher can increase test scores in your classroom and at your school through unconventional test preparation methods.
While Synergizing™ a classroom and a school is a great deal of fun, it is also work. This course is NOT designed so that you can learn as much as possible so that you might be able to use it. Instead, teachers should be currently in a classroom environment and ready to jump into Synergy right now to begin implementing the practices immediately.
Become part of the phenomenon that changed a school, swept through a small community and helped a high school dramatically increase performance on state standardized assessments.
Tackling Tough Text

In this course you will learn how to give your students in grades 4-12 the tools to “tackle tough text” and to become successful readers and learners. In teaching, there is a shift of focus that takes place at around 4th grade where literacy instruction changes from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” It is a known phenomenon that a number of students who did quite well in the primary years struggle with this new type of reading. Students reading at their frustration level find it to be well, frustrating. Teachers in all subject areas discover that using the Reading Comprehension Checklist helps students tackle tough text. Empowering students with this unique tool proves to alleviate frustration and increase achievement. This course is based on the proven research by Sue Klund, Reading Specialist and Quality Teaching Network expert.
Reading Across the Curriculum

This interactive course is one option for K-12 teachers across the curriculum spectrum to demonstrate evidence of reading instruction techniques. Based on research, Reading Across the Curriculum introduces all teachers to sound reading instructional practices.
RTI, Common Core & Classroom Behavior Management
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in central New York. Mr. Wright has experience in the areas of Academic and Behavioral Interventions, Curriculum-based Measurement and Violence Prevention.
Accommodating All Learners

Reach and teach all learners by examining 21st century student and educator strengths in this research-based course packed with strategies, resources and tools. Participants will gain insight into both, their own learning and teaching preferences as well as the learning styles of students. Closely aligned with national standards and pedagogical goals.