How Can I Support a Student With Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a form of learning disability whereby the student has difficulty with math. Dyscalculia may impact the person’s ability to tell time, manage money or shop independently. Dyscalculia can be caused due to deficits in the:
Visual spatial abilities with features like:
Reversal of numbers (writing 6 instead of 9, 3 backwards)
Difficulty copying numbers from […]
Common Core Mathematics for All Teachers
“ How often do you hear someone proclaim that they love math? ”
Math is a subject that is very connected with every other subject taught in the classroom. This course is designed to help any teacher gain confidence in areas related to mathematics and the common core. It is […]
How can I use Tutorial Designing as a Learning Activity?

The benefits of student tutorial designing is obvious. In order to teach someone else, you must truly understand the material yourself. Students must find ways to communicate their learning clearly and succinctly, as well as to break down tasks into step-by-step directions.
Tutorial designers can use audio tools, video tools, writing, and/or images to […]
Math for All Levels

This math resource is for all grade levels (you can even search by grade level)!
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
105 Online Activities
548 Lesson Plans (Which one is your favorite?)
724 Web Links
1377 Math-based Classroom Integrations
Activities, lessons, and standards aligned with the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.