Form a Consensus-Decision Making Strategy in the Classroom

What is the Form a Consensus-Decision Making Strategy?
The Form a Consensus-Decision Making Strategy is a means to encourage peer discussions among students. The goal is for students to form a consensus to proposed questions by discussing, analyzing and breaking down the subject or topic.
According to Vygostsky, Smith and Wilhelm (2006)*, the consensus-decision making […]
The Three-Step Interview Learning Strategy in the Classroom

Use the Three-Step Interview Learning Strategy to enhance student participation in the classroom. This strategy will help students process what they are learning while they develop essential life skills at the same time.
What is the three-step interview learning strategy?
The three-step interview learning strategy incorporates a blend of role-playing and discussion to facilitate student […]
How Can Teachers Use Action Research to Improve Teaching Practices?

By considering one’s teaching style and how it affects student’motivation, Action Research can prove to be a vital tool for self-analysis and improvement…
What is Action Research?
Action research is a practical approach to professional inquiry in any social situation and has proved to be a vital tool of self-analysis and improvement in the educational […]
How Can Teachers Lead Change from the Classroom?

Learn how to effect change as a teacher. School-wide initiatives can be effective with the support and leadership of teachers.
What are School-wide Initiatives?
Today, the world of education is undergoing significant changes. Old ideas, teaching methods, curriculum, disciplinary actions, expectations, and even evaluations are changing. The goal of all this change is “improvement”.
Such is […]
SELF-STUDY: Teacher Coaching (5 hours)
“Explore how teachers can attain professional development and growth by incorporating the Cognitive Coaching model.”
The growing need for professional development programs for teachers has caused many school administrators to look into the Peer Coaching model. This course takes a deeper look at a specific form of this model, known […]
Incremental Discipline Plan for the Classroom

Creating an Incremental Discipline Plan for the classroom can help bring order to discipline. This policy will help make behavior management clear and simple for teachers.
What is an Incremental Discipline Plan?
An Incremental Discipline Plan is a disciplinary system that uses a range of graded disciplinary actions and responses to control and manage behavioral […]
4 Gestures to Reconsider When Teaching an ELL Class

Learn basic non-verbal communication that is safe to use in the classroom with students from all over the globe. Body language can contribute to learning in surprising ways.
Communication is connected to culture. One part of communication is, of course, language, which is verbal communication. There are other ways to convey meaning besides using […]
SELF-STUDY: Fundraising Basics for Teachers (5 hours)
“Don’t let finances be the reason for a diminished classroom experience.”
No teacher looks forward to realizing that an exciting new teaching idea is not feasible because of a budget shortage. There may have been occasions when teachers wanted to fundraise, but decided not to, just because they were […]
The Benefits of Student Planners

Incorporate student planners in the classroom to enhance student learning. This organizational tool can aid in keeping student on track and focused on their work.
Why use student planners in the classroom?
A student planner is a planner given to students in order to create organization and better communication. With these planners being a part […]