Jobs that take Time…

As a teacher I sometimes find myself teaching children things that I hardly ever use anymore. Recently, I was thinking about my Microsoft word curriculum. Usually I teach the students to create a document from scratch and then teach them how to do different types of formatting. I sometimes teach various methodologies of […]
The Teacher Balance

I ran into a friend from high school the other day and asked how she was doing. She replied, “Busy. You know…that’s life.”
It struck me how it’s become accepted and normal for life to be busy and full of work and other activities. As I thought further, I wondered what it was that she […]
Protect the Internet

Did you go online this past Wednesday? For many of us this seems like a silly question. “Of course, I went online Wednesday. I use the Internet every day.”
Well, here at PLB we seriously considered shutting down the site for the day. That’s exactly what websites including Mozilla and Wikipedia (yes, that one) […]
Capital Letters in Communication

We are in a time period where teaching practices have evolved and technology is taking a greater and more important role in the process of education. This has us laying aside some of the more traditional practices and integrating newer and more efficient ideas. I encourage you to give some intentional thought to […]
Smart Phones in the Classroom

An amazing thing happened recently, more people bought smart phones than traditional computers. Why do I say traditional computers? Well, if you have a smart phone you may realize that you are really carrying a very powerful little computer that happens to let you talk to people more than you […]
Grants in Education from

U.S Dept. of Education.
Improving Literacy Through School Libraries.
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: March 28, 2011.
The purpose of this program is to improve student reading skills and academic achievement by providing students with increased access to up-to-date school library materials; well-equipped, technologically advanced school library media centers; and well-trained, professionally certified school library […]
Year End 1/2 Price Sale from Professional Learning Board
I told you before about how the techniques in the course Bullying: The Golden Rule Solution were super helpful to me and my family. Well, now we have a video posted from the course that you can watch so you’ll really see what I’m talking about. Click the image to watch the video.
I […]
NEWSLETTER: Child Abuse Prevention
Courses | Children’s Books | Virtual Schools | Professional Learning Board | Tell A Friend
COURSE INSIDER: Free Security Software
Sexual Abuse in Education
In the News
Take the Challenge
COURSE INSIDER: FREE Computer Security SoftwareThe COURSE INSIDER is a new feature in the Professional Learning Board newsletter. Periodically, we’ll give you a look inside a course providing content […]
Filed under Blog, Course Connections, NEWS
TOP TEN Reasons Non-Profits Must Do Online Learning
In no particular order and without further ado, here are ten top reasons for conducting online trainings:
(1) Consistent content delivery to all training participants (face-to-face seminars put the facilitator in a position to emphasize or edit content delivery)
(2) Required passing score on course assessment reinforces demonstration of understanding in order to meet training requirement
(3) Cost-effective – Cost per person is significantly less than in-person trainings when you’re looking to reach a significant audience or using online learning over a long period of time.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Courses | Professional Learning Board | Tell A Friend
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Practical Mum Recommends Internet Safety
Keeping Kids Safe in Your School and Home
Spring showers clean away the winter blues and herald the impending rainbow of colors as nature awakens from its winter slumber and trees and […]