GRADUATE Course – Understanding Special Learning Populations
“Today the chances are good that you know someone with autism or autism – like characteristics.”
“Have you ever come across a child who’s always on the move? They might have ADHD.”
“Gifted learners have competencies and abilities that go two or more years beyond their grade and/or age level.”
1 Graduate Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in […]
How can teachers understand the social development of autistic students?

Social Interactions are an integral part of our daily life. None of us live in isolation and learning to interact and communicate with people around us is essential to our survival, fulfillment and development. However, people with autism have marked deficits in their social interactions.
For the student with autism, their understanding of themselves […]
Understanding Special Learning Populations (1 Iowa LRC – Self Study)
“Today the chances are good that you know someone with autism or autism – like characteristics.”
“Have you ever come across a child who’s always on the move? They might have ADHD.”
“Gifted learners have competencies and abilities that go two or more years beyond their grade and/or age level.”
As teachers, […]
SELF-STUDY: Cognitive Skills – Understanding Learning Challenges (15 clock hours)
“When a task is given in school, why does one student take thirty minutes to complete it and another only eight minutes?”
Type of course: Self-Study
Course Description:
We all know brain plays a major role in learning, but few are aware of how. In a class where each child differs in […]
Why Do Students with Autism Keep Moving in the Classroom?

The sensation of balance comes from interaction between the inner ear and the cerebellum in the Lower Brain. This sense regulates muscle tone and balance. Consider how as we move throughout the day, we work with and against gravity to regulate our movements and balance.
People with autism may move in a jerky, stiff […]
Professional Development 1 Credit: Understanding Special Learning Populations

“Today the chances are good that you know someone with autism or autism – like characteristics.”
“Have you ever come across a child who’s always on the move? They might have ADHD.”
“Gifted learners have competencies and abilities that go two or more years beyond their grade and/or age level.”
Spring enrollments […]
How can I Communicate with a Student with Autism Who Does Not See the Need to Express His Thoughts?

The development of communication and understanding of self, has been described in the theory of mind. In the third level, a person with autism realizes that they need to ask to know what others are thinking. Such as “Mama, what are we having for dinner?” But they often still think that others can […]
How can I interact with a student who has Autism and has no awareness of the people around him?

Think about how baby has little or no awareness of their own mind and certainly not that of another’s. To them, all is undifferentiated. The baby feels, “I am one with my caretaker and even my environment.” At this low level mind sharing, people with autism may not even interact with others at […]
PACKAGE: Essential Teaching Package #2 (25 Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Essential Teaching Package #2 provides a foundation in skills applicable to teachers across the curriculum and grades:
Essential Teaching Package #2
# Hours
Cognitive Skills: Understanding Learning Challenges
Transformative Classroom […]
What is the Meaning of Splintered Development in Children with Autism?

Children with autism generally have developmental timelines that are out of sync. Each area can have its own path. These developmental timelines include:
Sensory-Motor (Neuro- Developmental)
When development in any of these areas is out of sync with typical development, these differences can cause perplexing behavior. This is called splintered development.
What is important is that […]