Understanding the Development of Language in a Child: Research

Understanding the Development of Language in a Child: Research

Research has proved that there is a connection between language exposure and the reading abilities of a child.
In a longitudinal study conducted at the University of Kansas, 6 month old babies were observed until they were three years old. Researchers recorded what occurred around the baby for one hour each month. These results […]

Understanding BICS and CALP

Understanding BICS and CALP

Teachers who work with English Language Learners (ELL) are often puzzled by the differences that they see between different language skill areas. For example, a teacher may observe that an ELL speaks easily with his peers about lunch, music, video games and what he did on the weekend, but may struggle a lot […]

Creating Effective Literacy Instruction: An Expert Opinion

Creating Effective Literacy Instruction: An Expert Opinion

Researcher and teacher educator, Donna Alvermann wrote a white paper on ‘Effective Literacy Instruction for Adolescents’ that says that students’ needs and interests must be at the forefront when designing any type of literacy instruction. Effective literacy instruction builds on elements of both formal and informal literacies. Alvermann challenges teachers to critically examine […]

Autism in Children: Physical Development

Autism in Children: Physical Development

Autism in children often results in delays in their physical development. It affects the lower brain which is responsible for the child’s balance and coordination. The muscle tone of children with autism may also be different from that of typical students.
Most of the time, both gross and fine motor activities are affected by […]

Gifted and Talented Teaching Resources for Independent Learning

Gifted and Talented Teaching Resources for Independent Learning

Independent learning is fostered by an environment that is sensitive, flexible, and responsive to the needs of the student. It involves a healthy interactive process between the teacher and learner that encourages the student’s intellectual development and capacity for independent and reflective judgment. This is a student-centered learning model.
More than the traditional role learning […]

Dealing with Bullying in School Age Children: Verbal Attacks

Dealing with Bullying in School Age Children: Verbal Attacks

The great majority of bullying in school age children is name-calling, and almost all physical aggression begins with insults.
A classic way of handling this is as below.

Child: Johnny called me a x@z#$%*!
Adult (sounding concerned): Do you believe it?
Child: No!
Adult: Good! I don’t either!
Handling the situation in this method defuses the hurt that […]

Teaching Children about Bullying

Teaching Children about Bullying

In recent years, the media has been referring to EVERYTHING from the most minor annoying actions such as eye-rolling to more aggressive and violent acts as “bullying.”
However, human behavioral experts generally make a distinction between bullying and criminal behavior. Acts like theft, assault and battery are crimes. They are not considered bullying. The […]

Summer Reading


COURSE INSIDER: Range of Reading Ability
Book Recommendations

COURSE INSIDER: Range of Reading Ability
The range of reading ability in any given classroom is approximately 2/3 of the students’ chronological age. This means that in a classroom of mostly 15 years old, the range of reading ability, and “inability,” across the class will span 10 years.
In […]

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