SELF-STUDY: iPads in the Classroom (5 hours)
“You have an iPad in your classroom, now what?”
The iPad helps us prepare today’s student for today’s world in more ways than we could ever do using traditional teaching strategies. However to achieve heights in teaching and learning, teachers need to understand much more than just how to use […]
Teachers Preparing For Uncertainty

They say that the only thing certain in life is uncertainty. In this past week, we faced some unexpected situations hare at PLB. It reminded me of the need to be prepared with a back-up plan for situations that are important.
It’s the same at school. Unexpected circumstances can come up any time and […]
Classroom Behavior: Root Causes & Drivers
A student’s behavior is not random but is determined by one or more root causes or behavioral drivers, the most common of which include:
Social attention (adult or peer)
A student may call out sarcastic comments in class because she gets peer attention for doing so.
Escape or avoidance of tasks, settings, or situations
A student who […]
RTI Tip for Teachers Conducting a Student Observation

When students present behaviors that consistently interfere with teaching and learning, school staff must objectively identify and quantify those behaviors. The teacher, or another team member, accomplishes this by conducting one or more systematic twenty to thirty minute student observations. This identifies the current rate of behavior, referred […]