SELF-STUDY: Student Portfolios (5 hours)
“Effectively display evidence of your students’ skills to showcase their learning progress.”
Successfully integrate portfolios to enhance students’ development and become an essential part of teaching and learning. Through the resources in this course, teachers are equipped to understand and use portfolios to emphasize the student’s role of taking responsibility […]
SELF-STUDY: Common Core Enhancing Instruction (5 hours)
“Understand and integrate the Common Core Standards into classroom instruction”
Explore practical ways for you to integrate the Common Core Standards into your classroom instruction, to enhance your students’ learning experiences. The Common Core State Standards have set high expectations for all students that by the time they complete […]
SELF-STUDY: Teachers in Leadership (10 hours)
“Have you wondered how you can bring about change or improvement in certain educational issues by taking on a stronger leadership role? Have you also sometimes wished to find solutions to real everyday problems you have encountered in your teaching practice?”
Empower teachers to get actively involved in transformative practices […]
SELF-STUDY: Core Academic Intervention (10 hours)
“How can teachers use tailored academic interventions to help struggling students succeed in meeting the common core standards?”
Changes in standards in the education system are always aimed at helping all students succeed in the general educational setting. In such a setting, teachers play a critical role in identifying those […]
SELF-STUDY: Building School-wide Initiatives (5 hours)
“Develop effective school-based initiatives to impact student learning on a larger scale.”
All schools want their students to succeed, but they can only make a lasting difference when they focus on specific goals and strategies for change. School improvement planning is a process through which schools set goals for improvement, […]
How Do You Integrate Other Subjects Into Your Classroom?

Can Math be part of a Language Arts Class? Or can a Math teacher, ask students to write a journal? As we watch education evolve in our country, we can see that teachers are moving towards an integrated educational approach. It’s natural that when we go to the supermarket, we use both reading […]