What are LiveBinders?

LiveBinders are virtual three ring binders that allow us to organize our files and folders (word documents, PDF’s, audio-video clips etc) under various tabs and sub-tabs. The binders are stored online thereby granting us access at all times and from anywhere. It also has an access key using which the administrator can set […]
How Can We Use iPads for Differentiated Learning?

Differentiating has become a buzz word in the last few years. Usually educators are asked to differentiate their teaching/instruction in order to meet students’ learning needs.
What if we don’t focus on the teaching aspect for a moment, but focus on the learning? One size worksheet does not fit all. Being on the same […]
How Does a Google Moderator Facilitate Learning Within the Classroom?

Technology is an integral part of our teaching process, today. It is not uncommon to see teachers make use of attractive and innovative tools like smart boards, clickers, virtual reality etc to stimulate and facilitate the process of learning in the classroom. Joining this influx of technology in the classroom is a tool […]
Professional Development 1 Credit: Technology Today
“Technology in education is less about the toolset and skillset and more about the mindset. The teacher’s most prominent role in the digital age is that of lead learner.”
Spring enrollments closed.
Click Here to be Notified when FALL enrollments OPEN.
EDUC 600
1 Semester Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the course fee
Professional Development […]
How do We Teach Responsible Use of Technology?

With so many interesting gadgets, and unrestricted access, it’s easy for teens and students to get a little “overenthusiastic.” It’s even possible that technology can drive people away from real friendships, real hangouts, healthy relationships, meaningful activities and even learning.
Just talking to youth about this is never enough. They keep hearing about internet […]
PACKAGE: The Everything Package (125 Hours)
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
You’ve heard of the everything bagel, Professional Learning Board presents the first everything PD course package, The Everything Self-Study Package, which includes the following TWENTY TWO self-study […]
What should the Consequences for Violations of Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) be in Schools?

The issue of Acceptable Use Policies violations is a challenge about which more discussion ‘is desperately needed’ among school leaders.
Addressing the critical issue of aligning student behaviors in the ‘virtual’ world with ‘real’ world consequences is imperative. It is recommended that a general, yet clear, summary is sought of what is considered ‘reasonable’ for various […]
How do I Integrate Technology into a Standards Based Curriculum?

Integrating technology in standards based curriculum follows the idea of determining cross-curricular skills and ensuring that they are taught explicitly in context rather than on their own.
When integrating technology in your planning, it is helpful to remember these points:
Technology helps students reach standards.
Teachers should not spend time writing technology standards. When technology standards […]
How do I go about Integrating Technology into the Curriculum?

The first step in integrating technology into the curriculum is to sit down and plan carefully. Using a template would help you in this function.
The template below can act as a starting point for integrating these tools into your classroom. Remember, the goal isn’t to use technology just so you can say you […]
How do I Introduce Comic Making in the Classroom?

Comics have always been of interest to children. It generally acts as a distraction from their studies. One way to counter this is to introduce comics into the students’ learning process. This will help make the learning process fun, helping you battle the digital distractions that the students face.
Introducing comics or comic making […]