How can I use Infographics in the Classroom?

There is nothing more powerful than information. It is what makes the world go around. However, ever so often, information in itself gets a little stale and needs a creative shake to look attractive again. Infographics does just that. This is especially true in a classroom with students whose attention span seems to […]
How do I Create a Virtual Book Club for my Students?

In today’s world of digital technology, computers, gadgets and instant information, most students do not read. The children’s intellectual arena has shifted from good old reading to video games and television. Youngsters do not have the patience to sit down and run through a book, unless it is forced upon them as school […]
How do I Plan a Virtual Tour of a Museum?

Every student looks forward to class field trips, whether it is to an amusement park, a museum or even just to the park. A trip to the museum helps you make education exciting and allows you to sneak in information in an unsuspecting fun way. However, there are a lot of logistical and […]
Using Technology for Teaching

The biggest benefit of using technology for teaching and learning is that digital media improves that which we are able to know and do. So, do we make up multiple presentations of the same content—using text for some, speech for others, and images for still others?
This just isn’t very feasible. Collecting and maintaining […]
Using Mind Maps in Education

Wiki defines a mind map as “a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central keyword or idea.” The concept of a mind map is that the brain does not store information in the same way as most students write notes – line by […]
Using Smart Boards in the Classroom

A number of teachers may not be aware of the benefits of using a Smart Board in the classroom as a teaching tool. While the traditional white board already has everyone’s attention, the electronic device is a new technology that is slowly gaining popularity due to its interactive power.
The digital screen allows images […]
10 Rules of Email Etiquette for Teachers

A teacher needs to follow certain rules of email etiquette for the following reasons:
Professionalism: By using proper email language you will convey a professional image.
Confidentiality: When following protocol guidelines, teachers are able to refrain from divulging personal student data
Efficiency: Emails that are to the point are much more effective than poorly worded emails.
Here […]
Collaboration in the Classroom

Collaboration is the process of working together to create or achieve something. In the traditional classroom setting, students sit at individual desks and work in isolation. Then, collaboration in the classroom was considered “cheating.” However, now, this is changing. Most schools, jobs and work outside of school requires people to work with others […]