Partnering with Parents

Do you have a child you know can soar
if she had extra help learning at home?
Partnering with parents is a way to support students.
Many parents need motivation and support to help them partner with the teacher. In our profession as teachers, we must partner with the parents of […]
Bullying: The Golden Rule Solution

During childhood, children learn and practice the skills they will need in their adult lives. Bullying is an unpleasant but inevitable part of life that happens in virtually every social group. If children don’t learn how to deal with hostility in their formative years, how will they manage when they grow up and have to face hostility from their co-workers, bosses, spouses and children?
Child Abuse Prevention PACKAGE for Educators

The Child Abuse Prevention Package for Educators includes the following four courses and saves you $47 over enrolling in them individually: Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse, Internet Safety: Protecting Children in an Online World and Bullying: The Golden Rule Solution, Ethics for Education Professionals.
Technology for Education Leaders

Students getting passwords, changing grades and breaking into school computer systems compromise safety. This course empowers academic administrators to work in tandem with IT administrators and minimize the risks associated with these types of events. Written in NON-technical language for educational leaders to understand their comprehensive role and responsibilities in providing safe and secure learning environments. The course includes real life examples and solutions and is a MUST for principals and school leaders at every level.
Recognizing & Preventing Child Abuse

This five clock hour course empowers each of us with the ability to recognize types, signs, characteristics, scenarios, and in general, indicators of suspected child abuse. We know this is a difficult subject to discuss. For that reason, we think you will find this course to be respectful of the topic while giving a solid foundation in understanding the key information about child abuse.
Internet Safety: Protecting Children in an Online World

Issues that the youth of today, parents, teachers and those who are part of their world face online is the essence of this content. Participants discover areas of the Internet used by youth, what kinds of threats exist on the Internet and how everyone can protect their loved ones, family members, students and those under their care or responsibility. A special focus of the course includes ways in which adults can protect themselves online.