Ethics for Education Professionals

Ethics education is about recognizing the real power of our own innate ethical sense and how it influences our behaviors. Step inside this course and discover through reflection and introspection, an understanding of one’s innate ethical self. You’ll find tools and tips for bringing high standards of ethics into our schools and a variety of topics to explore practical ways to address ethical decisions in our lives at every stage.
Google Earth in the Classroom

About Google Earth
Google Earth is a free tool that presents geological and geographical images together with satellite imagery in a dramatic fashion. It allows teachers to fly anywhere on the face of the Earth and view maps, terrain, buildings and monuments up close in 3D, track the courses of rivers and view changes […]
Independent Reading Activities for Children

Independent reading activities can be used to develop reading comprehension in students. Teaching students to question is an important aspect helping children read. Proficient readers question what they read and ponder over the outcome, characters, information and concepts in the passage. This strategy also increases the reader’s interest in the text.
Teachers can show […]
Teaching Comprehension Strategies for middle school

Comprehension is a complex process and includes the ability to comprehend, discuss, study, and write about multiple forms of text. Teachers can help their students become proficient readers with the help of effective teaching comprehension strategies.
Members of the National Reading Panel (NRP) in an evidence based assessment of an experimental and quasi-experimental research on […]
What is Culturally Responsive Instruction?

Every classroom in the United States today is diverse with or without English Language Learners (ELL). Students have different socio-economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and family structures. Each student has his own individual personality, interests, and abilities. People from different corners of the world can be seen in the same classroom.
Many educators, in response […]
Using Feedback to Motivate Students in the Classroom

In the previous post, we talked about using curiosity as a strategy to motivate students in the classroom. Today, we will look on how a teacher can use feedback to motivate the students in the classroom.
Teachers can increase their student’s investment in learning by giving them frequent feedback about how they are doing and […]
Minnesota Relicensure PACKAGE #2
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Minnesota Relicensure Package #2 is one of two packages that meet the five Minnesota relicensure requirements:
Accommodation & Differentiation
Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies
Reading Instruction
Mental Health
Enrolling […]
Core Teaching PACKAGE #2
Essential Instructional Techniques and Tools for Today’s Teacher
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Core Teaching Package includes the following five courses and saves you $46 over enrolling in them […]
Technology in the 21st Century Classroom

This course teaches concepts and ideas behind using technology in the classroom. It also helps teachers to understand the various skills that students need to develop in order to use technology in the most effective way. It equips teachers to help students use technology intelligently and responsibly.
Transformative Classroom Management – Strategies to Engage Positive Behavior

What makes a teacher successful in one school is the same thing that makes a teacher successful in the next school. It is true that all students are unique and group dynamics, cultural backgrounds, and experiences vary — sometimes dramatically. But for the most part, sound ideas get positive results and unsound ideas get mixed results at best.
Not all ideas sold in the marketplace of classroom management strategies lead to desirable results. In fact, many of the most popular ideas result in more harm than good. For that reason, parts of this course are devoted to explaining why many of the most popular ideas in use today are flawed, and what to do instead.