What Behavior Intervention Strategies can I use with Uncooperative Students?

Uncooperative students can be motivated using specific behavior intervention strategies. When a student’s confrontational behavior seems driven by a need for control, the teacher can state directives as two-part choice statements.
This strategy involves structuring verbal requests to both acknowledge the student’s freedom to choose whether to comply and present the logical consequences for […]
Using Feedback to Motivate Students in the Classroom

In the previous post, we talked about using curiosity as a strategy to motivate students in the classroom. Today, we will look on how a teacher can use feedback to motivate the students in the classroom.
Teachers can increase their student’s investment in learning by giving them frequent feedback about how they are doing and […]
Minnesota Relicensure PACKAGE #2
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Minnesota Relicensure Package #2 is one of two packages that meet the five Minnesota relicensure requirements:
Accommodation & Differentiation
Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies
Reading Instruction
Mental Health
Enrolling […]
Core Teaching PACKAGE #2
Essential Instructional Techniques and Tools for Today’s Teacher
“Your courses fit my needs perfectly.
They were ideal for someone who does not
have a great deal of flexibility, and I learned a lot.”
The Core Teaching Package includes the following five courses and saves you $46 over enrolling in them […]
Transformative Classroom Management – Strategies to Engage Positive Behavior

What makes a teacher successful in one school is the same thing that makes a teacher successful in the next school. It is true that all students are unique and group dynamics, cultural backgrounds, and experiences vary — sometimes dramatically. But for the most part, sound ideas get positive results and unsound ideas get mixed results at best.
Not all ideas sold in the marketplace of classroom management strategies lead to desirable results. In fact, many of the most popular ideas result in more harm than good. For that reason, parts of this course are devoted to explaining why many of the most popular ideas in use today are flawed, and what to do instead.
Minnesota Relicensure PACKAGE #1

The Minnesota Relicensure Package includes the following five courses and saves you $46 over enrolling in them individually: Accommodating All Learners, Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies, Reading Across the Curriculum, Recognizing Early-onset Mental Health Disorders in Children and Adolescents and Introduction to Technology. This package provides essential instructional techniques and tools for today’s teacher. This package meets the Minnesota relicensure requirements.
RTI: Using Metaphors to Change Behaviors

Unique early intervention strategies show how metaphors and visual cues can be used to promote a change in behavior as well as to teach students to become aware of their actions. Participants are challenged to think creatively and will be given the tools to individualize and apply the motivating intervention strategies.
RTI, Common Core & Classroom Behavior Management
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in central New York. Mr. Wright has experience in the areas of Academic and Behavioral Interventions, Curriculum-based Measurement and Violence Prevention.
Core Teaching PACKAGE #1

The Core Teaching Package includes the following five courses and saves you $46 over enrolling in them individually: Accommodating All Learners, Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies, Reading Across the Curriculum, Recognizing Early-onset Mental Health Disorders in Children and Adolescents and Introduction to Technology for Teachers. This package provides essential instructional techniques and tools for today’s teacher. This package meets the Minnesota relicensure requirements.