SELF-STUDY: Standards Based Instruction through STEM (5 hours)
“ STEM is for Everyone ”
STEM integration doesn’t need a huge budget, lots of technology, or a ready-to-use curriculum. It’s something any teacher, any school and any classroom can integrate. This course teaches you how.
We understand that no one knows your students better than you. Therefore, this course is […]
Common Core Mathematics for All Teachers
“ How often do you hear someone proclaim that they love math? ”
Math is a subject that is very connected with every other subject taught in the classroom. This course is designed to help any teacher gain confidence in areas related to mathematics and the common core. It is […]
Standards in Teaching

Formative assessments allow teachers to respond to the needs of the student quickly, however more importantly it allows the student to shape instruction (both a student-centered and teacher-driven education model). Once you have a well planned formative assessment program in place, your school will also see a change in the culture within classrooms, concise communication of learning goals, varied effective instructional methods, a new understanding for student learning, improved student engagement with targeted student feedback, and an increase in student learning!
We’re told that a standards-based curriculum is suppose to increase student learning and promote higher student achievement, but what is it really all about? This course helps educators untangle what turns out to be the not-so-mysterious-language of today’s teaching and learning and put successful strategies into practice.
Formative Assessment

Formative assessments allow teachers to respond to the needs of the student quickly, however more importantly it allows the student to shape instruction (both a student-centered and teacher-driven education model). Once you have a well planned formative assessment program in place, your school will also see a change in the culture within classrooms, concise communication of learning goals, varied effective instructional methods, a new understanding for student learning, improved student engagement with targeted student feedback, and an increase in student learning!
Take the next step. Learn about and implement formative assessments in your school to discover and demonstrate for yourself, your students and your community what happens when a school moves in this direction and you know students are truly learning.
Synergizing a Classroom

Instructional Synergy™ is a school model that is student-centered , teacher-driven , and parent-involved . This course will provide valuable strategies how you as a teacher can increase test scores in your classroom and at your school through unconventional test preparation methods.
While Synergizing™ a classroom and a school is a great deal of fun, it is also work. This course is NOT designed so that you can learn as much as possible so that you might be able to use it. Instead, teachers should be currently in a classroom environment and ready to jump into Synergy right now to begin implementing the practices immediately.
Become part of the phenomenon that changed a school, swept through a small community and helped a high school dramatically increase performance on state standardized assessments.
RTI, Common Core & Classroom Behavior Management
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in central New York. Mr. Wright has experience in the areas of Academic and Behavioral Interventions, Curriculum-based Measurement and Violence Prevention.
Integrating Standards in Teaching

We’re told that a standards-based curriculum is suppose to increase student learning and promote higher student achievement, but what is it really all about? This course helps educators untangle what turns out to be the not-so-mysterious-language of today’s teaching and learning and put successful strategies into practice.