Reading Across the Curriculum
This interactive course is one option for K-12 teachers across the curriculum spectrum to demonstrate evidence of reading instruction techniques. Based on research, Reading Across the Curriculum introduces all teachers to sound reading instructional practices.
RTI, Common Core & Classroom Behavior Management
This course is based upon the extensive research, work and writings of Jim Wright, a Behavior Intervention Specialist, Psychologist and School Administrator in central New York. Mr. Wright has experience in the areas of Academic and Behavioral Interventions, Curriculum-based Measurement and Violence Prevention.
Integrating Standards in Teaching
We’re told that a standards-based curriculum is suppose to increase student learning and promote higher student achievement, but what is it really all about? This course helps educators untangle what turns out to be the not-so-mysterious-language of today’s teaching and learning and put successful strategies into practice.
Accommodating All Learners
Reach and teach all learners by examining 21st century student and educator strengths in this research-based course packed with strategies, resources and tools. Participants will gain insight into both, their own learning and teaching preferences as well as the learning styles of students. Closely aligned with national standards and pedagogical goals.