Paradigm Shift in Education
“Research is the bricks. Our informed, educated intuition is the mortar. It’s impossible to construct a worthy structure without either one.” – Dr. Michael Allen, ezine January 26, 2006
The most significant issue relating to learning is the relatively recent paradigm shift in education. This change is illustrated in the way in which curriculum […]
SELF-STUDY: Standards Based Instruction through STEM (5 hours)
“ STEM is for Everyone ”
STEM integration doesn’t need a huge budget, lots of technology, or a ready-to-use curriculum. It’s something any teacher, any school and any classroom can integrate. This course teaches you how.
We understand that no one knows your students better than you. Therefore, this course is […]
SELF-STUDY: iPads in the Classroom (5 hours)
“You have an iPad in your classroom, now what?”
The iPad helps us prepare today’s student for today’s world in more ways than we could ever do using traditional teaching strategies. However to achieve heights in teaching and learning, teachers need to understand much more than just how to use […]
In the Folds of Origami
I was looking at some origami decorations yesterday. A few simple folds and twists, and a blank piece of paper becomes a beautiful object. All it needs is an imagination and a pair of skilled hands.
Aren’t children like that too? A blank piece of paper that is folded and worked on by parents, […]
SELF-STUDY: Reading Across the Curriculum (15 hours)
“I was pleased with all of the new resources and ideas that
I will be able to bring into the classroom for teaching reading. Thanks!”
Reading should be a meaningful activity that is focused on comprehension and that results in understanding. When students struggle with a specific subject matter the underlying […]
Teachers joining with parents to create change
The need to grow and provide a better educational experience has been recognized by both teachers and schools today. But, where do we start? And, how can we ensure that what we start carries on? So many schools and classroom try out new ideas and strategies, which fizzle out in a matter of […]
What is Paired Reading?
Paired reading is when a student reads a text with another student in order to develop his or her reading skills. The two students may have the same reading ability or one may be higher than the other. The purpose and methodology will differ based on who the student is being paired with.
The […]
Using Smart Boards in the Classroom
A number of teachers may not be aware of the benefits of using a Smart Board in the classroom as a teaching tool. While the traditional white board already has everyone’s attention, the electronic device is a new technology that is slowly gaining popularity due to its interactive power.
The digital screen allows images […]