How Can Teachers Incorporate STEM While Keeping the Cost Low?

Integrating STEM into our classrooms does not require a huge budget or curriculum change. Any school, any classroom and any teacher can adapt their classroom to incorporate STEM.
One of the primary costs of STEM implementation is curriculum. Designing STEM curriculum is not something only experts in STEM can do. Any teacher, who is […]
How Can Teachers Use STEM To Improve Curriculum And Instruction?

Give your students STEM-focussed education to equip them for the challenges of the future…
All students deserve an education that helps them to succeed in today’s technology-rich, global society. STEM-focused education helps to achieve this goal. The purpose of STEM education in educational institutions is to collaborate on the best pedagogy and curriculum to […]
GRADUATE Course – Common Core Intervention Across the Curriculum

“How can I monitor progress towards the Common Core State Standards?”
1 Graduate Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the course fee!
Graduate Credit: 1 Graduate Credit
Instruction Mode: Self-paced, Asynchronous (Online Class)
Time Frame: Enroll and start any time
See inside this course…
Course Description:
The implementation of Common Core State Standards across the curriculum provides a real-world approach to learning […]
SELF-STUDY: Integrated Curriculum (10 hours)
“Develop an integrated curriculum that caters to your students’ learning needs best.”
Welcome to this dual course aimed to help you understand more about an integrated curriculum. This dual course consists of the following 5 hour courses:
Standard Based Instruction through STEM
Common Core Mathematics for all Teachers
In the simplest sense, an […]
What are the Pullout and Push-in STEM Program Models?

Sites new to STEM education may decide on the pullout program. In this model, students are pulled out of other programming to receive instruction in STEM. It is said to be one of the least intrusive models. Since the STEM specialist provides instruction for an entire school, regular programming is not disrupted. The […]
How Does STEM Help Foster Innovation?

In a world of high-stakes testing, it is difficult to stay true to best practices in how students learn math and science. Yet, successful STEM teachers do. They create student-centered environments that require learners to think, act, and be scientists and engineers. Effective STEM instruction uses students’ prior experiences to connect the standards […]
What should I consider while planning successful STEM assessments?

There are several components that contribute to meaningful STEM assessments. One thing to keep in mind is that assessment should be viewed as “a process.” For example, there is not one “test” that reveals a complete summary of academic performance. Instead a series of assessment strategies should be implemented to assess student learning.
Students […]
Where Can I Get STEM Materials For My Classroom?

STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning in which rigorous academic standards are integrated with real-world lessons to provide students with the skills to compete effectively in the global economy.
By using the preceding definition as the basis for all STEM instruction, it is easy to understand why specialized materials and equipment are […]
STEM in Schools: Not so Complicated!

Is STEM in schools practical? Possible? Cost- efficient? We say yes, definitely. STEM implementation is not always as complex as setting up huge laboratories, buying computers for every student, or expensive curriculum. It’s something you, and any teacher can bring to the classroom, any time.
What’s more, some of us are already doing it […]
SELF-STUDY: Standards Based Instruction through STEM (5 hours)
“ STEM is for Everyone ”
STEM integration doesn’t need a huge budget, lots of technology, or a ready-to-use curriculum. It’s something any teacher, any school and any classroom can integrate. This course teaches you how.
We understand that no one knows your students better than you. Therefore, this course is […]