Effective Feedback using Technology

Use technology in and out of the classroom to provide effective feedback. These tools can improve feedback as well as learning.
Effective Feedback using Technology
Student learning is highly influenced by feedback. Prompt, specific and timely feedback enables student to identify, rectify and learn from their mistakes. It also reinforces and shows appreciation for the […]
How to use Google Earth?

Grab your students’ attention and bring information to life with Google Earth. Use this interactive learning tool to promote student engagement in the classroom.
What is Google Earth?
The app Google Earth is used by teachers across the world to implement in classrooms and give students an interactive, hands-on experience. Google Earth was released […]
SELF-STUDY: Guided Reading (5 hours)
“Explore effective Strategies to Scaffold Literacy Learning through guided Reading”
Guided reading proves to be one of the most effective tools, not only to improve a student’s fundamental reading skills, but also to develop high level comprehension skills. The teacher’s role in guided reading is to provide support, but the […]
GRADUATE (Adams) Course – Technology for Today’s Classroom
“Technology in education is less about the toolset and skillset and more about the mindset. The teacher’s most prominent role in the digital age is that of lead learner.”
1 Graduate Credit
Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the course fee!
Graduate Credit: 1 Graduate Credit
Instruction Mode: Self-paced, Asynchronous (Online Class)
Time Frame: Enroll and start any time
How do I Set Up Digital Workstations in the Classroom?

As we incorporate various technologies into the classroom, the need of the hour is to set up workstations that allow for optimal learning. Here are some tips that can help you get started:
Plan your targets and stations: List out the skills you would like to facilitate using your workstations. When starting out, focus […]
Global Connections

Do you have a friend or relative who lives across the globe? How do you use the Internet to connect with them?
We talk about the world being a global village, and yet some of us don’t really know much of the world outside our own towns or states. With the internet and technology, […]
What are LiveBinders?

LiveBinders are virtual three ring binders that allow us to organize our files and folders (word documents, PDF’s, audio-video clips etc) under various tabs and sub-tabs. The binders are stored online thereby granting us access at all times and from anywhere. It also has an access key using which the administrator can set […]
How Can We Use iPads for Differentiated Learning?

Differentiating has become a buzz word in the last few years. Usually educators are asked to differentiate their teaching/instruction in order to meet students’ learning needs.
What if we don’t focus on the teaching aspect for a moment, but focus on the learning? One size worksheet does not fit all. Being on the same […]
iPads in the Classroom

This week has been exciting as we are launching a new course “iPads in the Classroom.” The very fact that we need an entire course about how we can integrate a particular type of technology in the classroom says a lot about how we have grown as an educational community. Teachers know that just handing over […]
How Does a Google Moderator Facilitate Learning Within the Classroom?

Technology is an integral part of our teaching process, today. It is not uncommon to see teachers make use of attractive and innovative tools like smart boards, clickers, virtual reality etc to stimulate and facilitate the process of learning in the classroom. Joining this influx of technology in the classroom is a tool […]