How can Teachers Create Professional Development Goals From Examining Student Work?

How can Teachers Create Professional Development Goals From Examining Student Work?

Teachers who examine student work together are able to think more deeply about their teaching and about what students are learning…
Examining student work can be understood as teachers engaging in inquiry-based learning. They become a group of critical and creative thinkers (students) who honor openness and flexibility. Through collaborative dialogue, teachers seek new questions […]

GRADUATE Course – Standards and Communications in Teaching

“I really enjoyed the course. It was straight forward and easy to use. The instructor was very elaborate in her responses, and helped to clarify questions. All responses were received in a timely manner as well. It was a great course with good pacing and I learned lots of material in a short […]

GRADUATE Course – Reaching Diverse Learners

“I really appreciate the abundance of ideas for teaching ELLs that I learned in this course. There were so many techniques and ideas shared, and I feel as if I have a toolbox to use in my classroom.”
“This was a great course. Thank you for the opportunity to gather useful, practical information that […]

GRADUATE Course – Common Core Implementation for All Classrooms

“I learned a great amount from taking the course about effective evaluations. I appreciated the specific examples of how to strategically plan, implement, and monitor student progress to enable mastery of standards in the classroom. Thank you for the attachments and pdf documents for additional classroom resources.”

1  Graduate Credit

Grading: A-F
Materials: Included in the […]

How Can Teachers Promote Learning In The Classroom Through Interactive Bulletin Boards?

How Can Teachers Promote Learning In The Classroom Through Interactive Bulletin Boards?

Interactive boards that allow students to work on the display provoke interest
Bulletin boards are a great tool to reinforce rules and promote learning in the classroom. They can be both fun and informative by allowing students to participate in non- threatening way. A conceptual bulletin board deals with the subjects being taught in […]

How Do Teachers Divide Students Into Groups For Collaborative Activities?

How Do Teachers Divide Students Into Groups For Collaborative Activities?

The Collaborative Teacher and Her Classroom
With this unique teaching approach, transform education from inside the classroom…
Engage your students in a thinking curriculum – where everyone learns from one another, and no student is deprived of this opportunity. Welcome to the future of education – the collaborative classroom.
Collaboration is a key 21st century skill. This […]

Public Speaking For Teachers

Public Speaking For Teachers

Most possess the confidence and skills to speak on a personal level, but public speaking is another thing altogether…
One of the essential characteristics of being an educator is the ability to communicate effectively. A person may be an expert on a particular subject, but if they are unable to communicate it well, the […]

How Can Teachers Use Flipped Learning For Students With Special Needs?

How Can Teachers Use Flipped Learning For Students With Special Needs?

Flipped classes can be very effective for some types of students with special needs, and especially in high school.
In lower grades where students are still establishing their foundations in reading, writing, math and learning strategies, a child with special needs may struggle with the flipped classroom method, unless they have a lot of […]

How Can I Help Students Be Responsible Digital Citizens?

How Can I Help Students Be Responsible Digital Citizens?

E-learning, blended learning, on-line learning, integrating technology with classroom instruction, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives – these are some catch words that have changed the dynamics of the academic world in present times. The explosion of technological development in society has inevitably presented a wide range of possibilities at the click of […]

PACKAGE: Technology (25 Hours)

“Thanks for making professional development relevant, easy, practical and affordable! PLB is simply the BEST!”
Technology has become an integral part of life and learning patterns in the 21st century. The internet, iPads and smart phones are just a few tech tools that can enhance knowledge and understanding. This technology […]

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